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iPhone - Camera Roll- How can I mass delete all of my iPhone camera roll photos?
iPhone - Camera Roll- How can I mass delete all of my iPhone camera roll photos?
✍: Guest
Looking to clear up some space on your iPhone camera roll? Deleting multiple photos is great, until you need to delete thousands of photos in one shot. So how can you clear out the camera roll and remove a batch of photos and videos?
To select and delete some or all of your iPhone camera roll photos, you must use an application on your computer with the iPhone connected via USB.
On a Mac, you can use the application Image Capture. This will show all of the photos on your iPhone camera roll. Image Capture can be used to import the photos to your computer or delete multiple pictures all at once.
On Windows, freeware called iExplorer can be downloaded (available for Mac as well).
Once installed, connect your iPhone to the computer and open iExplorer. Photos can be found on your device in the directory Media/DCIM. You will see one or more folders titled "100APPLE". The images and videos stored in these photos are on your camera roll. Select multiple images then click the Delete button to remove them all at once.
UPDATED for iOS 8: Learn the fastest way to delete multiple photos from your camera roll using the Photo app here, or you can try third-party apps like Purrge.
2015-10-23, 1811🔥, 0💬
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