SIM Card Number Generator


Where to find SIM Card Numbers for testing purpose?

If you are looking for SIM Card Numbers to test your application, we can help you to generate some SIM Card numbers with dummy accounts for different carriers in different regions. All you need to do is to enter the number of data items you need in the form below, and click the "Generate" button below. The generated SIM card numbers will be presented in the result area.




Result obtained by - Test SIM Card Numbers: Warning, these SIM card numbers are for testing purpose only. Do not use them in any production systems.

89443089359464625227 from Mercury Personal in United Kingdom
89595051175177050839 from Núcleo S.A. in Paraguay
89353012831429876528 from Vodaphone GSM Network in Ireland
89910190324600997561 from Aircel Digilink India Ltd in India
89310110336055742896 from IT&E in Guam
89240299415191930490 from Tolv Mobil in Sweden
89295078228815511302 from First Mobile AG in Liechtenstein
89344930857001571516 from Digicel in Antigua and Barbuda
89612999137868071431 from Fix Line in Ivory Coast
89334004304003291696 from Axtel in Mexico
89730015410574886594 from Entel Telefonia Mov in Chile
89440842443983498854 from KDDI Corporation in Japan

SIM numbers generated above have 3 different formats:

1. ICCID Format - 89-CCC-II-AIN-checksum, where 89 is the MII (Major Industry Identifier) representing "Telecommunications administrations and Private operating agencies". CCC is the international Country Calling Code, II is the carrier's Issuer Identifier, and AIN is the Account Identification Number.

2. IMSI Format - 89-MCC-MNC-MSIN-checksum, where MCC is the Mobile Country Code, MNC is the Mobile Network Code, and MSIN is the Mobile Subscriber Identification Number.

3. Hybrid Format - 89-CCC-MNC-SN-Checksum, where CCC is the international Country Calling Code, MNC is the Mobile Network Code, and SN is a Serial Number that is mapped to an account in carrier's system.

For more information on SIM number formats, see "What Is the SIM Card Number" tutorial.


Information Stored on SIM Card

SIM Card Issuer Company Lookup

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) Card

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