IMEI/MEID Device Maker and Model Lookup


Where to lookup for the IMEI/MEID Device Maker and Model information?

If you have the RBI code and the TAC number, we can help you to lookup the device maker and model information. All you need to do is to enter the RBI code and the TAC number, and click the "Lookup" button. Detailed information of the IMEI/MEID Device Maker and Model will be presented in the result area.

RBI Code:

TAC Number:



Result obtained by - IMEI/MEID Device Maker Model:

Spcified Input: Valid

RBI Code: 35
RBI (Reporting Body Identifier): 35
TAC (Type Allocation Code): 104463
Device Maker: Apple
Device Model: iPhone 13
Device Names: 

For more information on IMEI Number format, see "What Is the IMEI Number on My Phone" tutorial.

For more information on MEID Number format, see "What Is the MEID Number on My Phone" tutorial.


What Is the TAC Number in IMEI/MEID

IMEI/MEID Device Maker and Model Search

Phone Identification Numbers

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2023-05-09, ∼3933🔥, 0💬