File Location of Photo Library on macOS


Where is the Photos library located on my macOS computer? I want to see my photos and videos as files.



The default photos library located on your macOS computer is located under your home directory as a sub-directory called "./Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary".

Here is how to see photos and videos as files using a Terminal window:

fyicenter$ cd ~
fyicenter$ cd Photos\ Library.photoslibrary

fyicenter$ cd ls -l
  drwxr-xr-x@  5 fyicenter  staff  170 Jul 23 22:46 Attachments
  drwxr-xr-x@  3 fyicenter  staff  102 Feb 18  2020 Masters
  drwxr-xr-x@ 10 fyicenter  staff  340 Aug 19 08:52 database
  drwxr-xr-x@ 10 fyicenter  staff  340 Jan  8  2020 private
  drwxr-xr-x@  9 fyicenter  staff  306 Jan  7  2020 resources

fyicenter$ ls -l Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_983*
  5722899 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9831.JPG
  5891435 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9832.JPG
  5913865 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9833.JPG
  6011862 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9834.JPG
  3318978 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9835.JPG
  4449855 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9836.JPG
  6050188 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9837.JPG
  3145028 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9838.JPG
  2955046 Nov 17  2019 Masters/2020/06/22/20200622-071116/IMG_9839.JPG

The original photos are stored in the "Masters" directory and organized in a directory substructure based the import dates. The original dates when photos were taken are maintained as the file dates.


iPhone Camera and Photos - Frequently Asked Questions

Export Photos out of Library on macOS

Managing Photos with macOS

⇑⇑ iPhone Camera and Photos - Frequently Asked Questions

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