Windows Phone 8 Basics - Copy and paste - To highlight text and copy it


Windows Phone 8 Basics - Copy and paste - To highlight text and copy it

✍: Guest


In addition to highlighting text in a web browser, in Office documents, and in the body of email you've received, you can also highlight and copy text from anywhere you're typing—including text messages you're writing, calendar appointments you're editing, a contact card, and your comments on Facebook.

Tap a word in the text you want to copy.
Drag the circles at each end of the highlighted text to include the first and last words you want to copy.

Copying text by highlighting it
Tap Copy Copy icon.
Open the file, app, or message where you want to paste the text.
Tap where you want to paste the text.
In the text suggestion bar above the keyboard, tap Paste Paste icon.

2013-10-31, 4061🔥, 0💬