Background Services Created by Google Search


What are background services created by Google quick search? Can I stop them to improve performance of my Motorola phone?



Google quick search is an app for your Motorola phone to allow you to perform quick search on the Internet.

There is 1 background Service StandaloneKeepAlive, started by Google quick search under the process.

1. Go to "Settings > Systems > Developer Options > Running Services". You see a list of apps, their running services, memory usages and execution times.

2. Tap on "Google" in the list. You see that it has 1 process, which has 1 service.

Application: Google
   |- Service: StandaloneKeepAlive$KeepAliveservice
Memory usage: 192 MB, execution time 51:04
Background Services Created by Google Search Box
Background Services Created by Google Search Box

You can stop the "StandaloneKeepAlive" service. There is no need to keep the Google search box alive all the time.


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Background Services on Motorola Phone

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2024-03-22, 7292🔥, 1💬