Windows Phone 8 Basics - Set up Kid's Corner - To set up Kid's Corner


Windows Phone 8 Basics - Set up Kid's Corner - To set up Kid's Corner

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To set up Kid's Corner

On Start Start button, tap Kid's Corner Kid's Corner icon, and then tap Next. (You can also get to Kid's Corner via Settings Settings icon in the App list.)

To add content to Kid's Corner, tap Games, Music, Videos, or Apps, select the items you want to add, and then tap Done Done icon.

When you're finished adding things, tap Next.

If your phone doesn't already have a lock screen password, you'll have a chance to set one now and ensure that your child can't get to your Start screen from Kid's Corner. Tap Set password, type your password, and then tap Done.

Tap Finish to leave setup and open Kid's Corner.

2013-11-11, 2178🔥, 0💬