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Phone Number Format in Uganda
What is the Phone Number Format in Uganda?
Most phone numbers in Uganda are written in the following formats:
Prefix: long distance or international -------------------------------------- | Carrier or area code | -------------------- | | Subscriber number | | ----------------- v v v 0 AA SSS SSS - Local format 0 AAA SSS SSS - Local format +256 AA SSS SSS - International format +256 AAA SSS SSS - International format
Most telephone numbers in Uganda have 8, 9 digits and are written in the format of "AA SSS SSS", "AAA SSS SSS". Here are some examples: 41 258 051; 41 780 090; 312 219 100; 772 626 788.
When dialing locally inside Uganda, the long distance prefix of "0" is required. So the format becomes "0 AA SSS SSS", "0 AAA SSS SSS".
When dialing from outside of Uganda, the international dial-in prefix "+256" is required. So the format becomes "+256 AA SSS SSS", "+256 AAA SSS SSS".
When dialing from Uganda to other countries, the international dail-out prefix "+" or "00x" required.
To see phone number formats for other countries or regions, see our Generic Phone Number Format Browser.
To see phone number examples in Uganda, try our Test Phone Number Generator.
To validate phone numbers in Uganda, try our Phone Number Format Validator.
⇒ Phone Number Format in Ukraine
2023-11-26, ∼491🔥, 0💬
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