Leading "0" in Phone Numbers


Why do we see a leading "0" in some Phone Numbers?

✍: FYIcenter.com


The leading "0" in a phone number indicates that this phone number is written in national format. For most countries or regions, like United Kingdom, the leading "0" is the national prefix (also called trunk prefix or long distance prefix),

A phone number with a leading "0" be used according the following rules:

1. If you are calling this phone number from the same country or region as the phone number, you should dial all digits including the leading "0" as written in the phone number.

For example, if you have a phone number of "020 7183 8750" on a business card from United Kingdom and you are calling it from United Kingdom with any phone, you should dial it as is: "020 7183 8750".

'0' National Prefix in Phone Numbers
"0" - National Prefix in Phone Numbers

Note that in some countries or regions, the leading "0" is considered as part of the area code of the phone number.

2. If you are calling this phone number from a different country or region than the phone number, you should replace the leading "0" with international prefix followed by the country or region code of this phone number.

For example, if you have a phone number of "020 7183 8750" on a business card from United Kingdom and you are calling it from United States, you should replace the leading "0" with "011 44", and dial "011 44 20 7608 0595". If you are using a cell phone, you can dial "+44 20 7608 0595". Your cell phone will convert it to "011 44 20 7608 0595".


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2024-05-29, 648🔥, 0💬