Windows Phone 8 Basics - Share things on my phone - To like a friend's Facebook or LinkedIn post


Windows Phone 8 Basics - Share things on my phone - To like a friend's Facebook or LinkedIn post

✍: Guest


In addition to commenting on a post, you can choose to simply like one. You can also see how many other people like it.
On StartStart icon, tap People People tile, and then flick left or right to What's new to see recent posts from your friends.
When you see a post you like, tap the comment box Comments icon, and then do one of the following:
For Facebook, tap LikeFacebook like icon. If you change your mind, just tap UnlikeUnlike icon,
For LinkedIn, tap LikeLinkedIn like icon. You can't unlike a LinkedIn post once you've liked it.

2014-01-29, 2401🔥, 0💬