Windows Phone 8 Basics - Share things on my phone - To check in


Windows Phone 8 Basics - Share things on my phone - To check in

✍: Guest


When you check in, you share your location with friends on a social network. Your phone can find nearby locations, or you can add one yourself.
On StartStart icon, tap Me, and then tap Check in.
Tap a place in the list to check in from there. If you don't see your location, tap SearchSearch icon, type the name of the place, and then tap GoGo icon. (If you still can't find it, tap AddAdd icon to enter it manually.)
Once you've found the place you want to check in from, tap Post to, tap each account you want to check in on, and then tap DoneDone icon.
If you're checking in on Facebook and you'd like to change who sees your post (friends, friends of friends, etc.), tap Share on Facebook with and then tap the group of people you'd like to share with.
Type a message if you like, and then tap Post Check in icon.

2014-01-29, 2222🔥, 0💬