IPHONE - Griffin’s Military-Grade iPhone Case With Kindergarten-Grade Colors


IPHONE - Griffin’s Military-Grade iPhone Case With Kindergarten-Grade Colors

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Griffin’s Military-Grade iPhone Case With Kindergarten-Grade Colors learly the “military” part in Griffin’s Military Grade Survivor case for the iPhone doesn’t refer to the color. While olive drab is an option, the majority of the rugged cases come in candy colors more suited to a pre-schooler’s toy box than the killing fields of, well, whichever countries the U.S is currently at war with. That’s not to say it isn’t tough. The blurb says that the case has been “independently tested to meet conditions outlined in US Department of Defense MIL-STD-810 and UK Department of Defense Def-Stan 00-35.” The Survivor combines a polycarbonate shell with a silicone …

2014-08-18, 2095🔥, 0💬