IPHONE - Apple’s iPad Mini and iPhone 5 as predicted by a developer


IPHONE - Apple’s iPad Mini and iPhone 5 as predicted by a developer

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September 2, 2012, 5:47 P.M. New York local time — A popular iOS developer predicts, the iPad Mini “a spinoff” of the iPad 2, and the iPhone 5 is already in the testing room. Instapaper’s creator, Marco Arment, has posted a new blog entry to talk about the iPad Mini and the long-rumored iPhone 5 smartphone of Apple inc. With the title “Predicting the ‘iPad Mini’ internals,” Arment claims that the smaller iPad Mini will sport the same components being used by last year’s iPad 2 or the second-generation iPad with the dual-core processor, 512MB RAM, 3G and WiFi support. According to Arment, he saw …

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