Mobile Phone Maker - LG Electronics.


How big is the mobile phone maker LG Electronics? How many phones does LG sell each year?



LG Electronics is an electronics company headquartered in Yeouido-dong, South Korea.

LG Electronics is currently the world's 5th largest mobile phone maker by number of units sold, see LG's sales records listed below (Units are in millions):

Year   Rank   Units Sold   Market Share 
2012   5       55.9        3.11%
2011   4       86          4.79%
2010   3      117          7.18%
2009   3      124          7.53%
2008   4      104          8.35%
2007   5       79          6.77%
2006   5       62          6.29%
2005   4       55          6.46%
2004   5       43          5.95%
2003   6       27          5.01%
2002   6       14          3.13% 

2013-07-11, 4166🔥, 0💬