iPhone - Email and Messaging - How can I turn off / disable iPhone "Cannot Get Mail" errors?


iPhone - Email and Messaging - How can I turn off / disable iPhone "Cannot Get Mail" errors?

✍: Guest


If you travel in and out of spotty service areas, or have many devices on the same WiFi network trying to grab email from a server with IMAP or POP connection limits, you might be one of the lucky folks who gets inundated with popup "Cannot Get Mail" errors every time you open Mail on your iPhone. If you've got multiple email accounts setup on your iPhone, these frequent popup warnings can become extremely frustrating.

The good news, for jailbroken iPhone owners, is that you can suppress these warnings through the installation of a simple iOS tweak called ErrorKillerForMail. There are no settings to configure, simply install the tweak and the "Cannot Get Mail" errors will cease to appear. Want the errors back? Just uninstall the tweak.

To install ErrorKillerForMail, open Cydia and search for "ErrorKiller". You'll see the tweak, simply click on it and choose 'Install' to install it.

2016-01-25, 1240🔥, 0💬