What Is the FCC ID on My Phone


What does FCC stand for? And what does the FCC ID # mean on my phone?

✍: FYIcenter.com


FCC stands for Federal Communications Commission of United States. The FCC ID # identifies the registration ID of the phone device at FCC.

If your phone is approved by FCC to be sold in USA, you can find the FCC ID # of your phone usually on the back cover.

FCC ID # consists of 2 parts, grantee (manufacturer) code and product code, as shown below:

        Grantee code
        |   Product code
        |   ------------ 
        |   |
        v   v

Format rules on FCC ID #s:

  • Grantee codes that begin with an alphabetic character (A-Z) of three characters in length. The second and third characters may be numbers or alphabetic characters.
  • Grantee codes that begin with a number (2-9) are five characters in length. The second through fifth characters may be numbers or alphabetic characters.
  • The grantee code does not contain the numbers “one” and/or “zero”. The grantee code is assigned by the Commission permanently to a company for authorization of all radio frequency equipment.
  • The product Code is the second portion of the FCC ID that begins after the grantee code. The product code may include hyphens and/or dashes (-). The product code is assigned by the Grantee.

Here are some examples of FCC ID #s:

"FCC ID: BCGA1303B" - ECG = Apple, A1303B = iPhone 3GS, Model A1303B
"FCC ID: BCG-E2430A" - ECG = Apple, E2430A = iPhone 4S, Model A1387
"FCC ID: A3LSMN920P" - A3L = Samsung, SMN920P = Galaxy Note 5, Model SM-N920P
"FCC ID: A3LSMG955U" - A3L = Samsung, SMG955U = Galaxy S8+, Model SM-G955U

The following picture shows you a FCC registration ID of "FCC ID: BCG-E2430A" printed on the back cover of an Apple iPhone.

ID Label on iPhone Back Cover
ID Label on iPhone Back Cover

The following picture shows you a FCC registration ID of "FCC ID: A3LSMG955U" printed on the back cover of a Sumsang Galaxy phone.

ID Label on Galaxy Back Cover
ID Label on Galaxy Back Cover

On an Android phone, you can also find the FCC ID # in Settings > About Phone > Status as shown below:

Android - Settings > About > Status - FCC ID
Android - Settings > About > Status - FCC ID

On an iPhone, you can also find the FCC ID # in "Settings > General > Legal & Regulatory" as shown below:

iPhone - Settings > General > Legal
iPhone - Settings > General > Legal

To decode an ICCID Number, use our FCC ID Checker/Decoder tool.


FCC Approval Icon on My Phone

Government Certification IDs

Government Certification IDs

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2021-01-28, 76🔥, 5💬