ZTE Avail 2 Phone Released in 2013


When was ZTE Avail 2 phone first released? How does ZTE Avail 2 phone look like? What are the main technical specifications of ZTE Avail 2 phone?

✍: FYIcenter.com


The ZTE Avail 2 phone will be released soon in 2013 in USA. The following picture shows how an ZTE Avail 2 phone looks like: ZTE Avail 2 Phone Released in 2013

Stay connected and productive with AT&T Avail 2, a fast Android smartphone with a 2-megapixel camera, Google and AT&T app integration, top-notch multitasking capability, and tons of other handy features for your day-to-day life.

Main specifications of ZTE Imperial phone:

Manufacturer       ZTE
Type               Smartphone
Model              Avail 2
First released     2013
Form factor        Candy Bar
Dimensions         4.60 x 2.44 x 0.45 in
Weight             4.4 oz
Operating system   Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
Memory             4 GB ROM, 524 MB RAM
Storage            32 GB MicroSD
Battery            1500 mAh, 5 hours talk-time
Display            3.5", 320 x 480 px
Connectivity       Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, USB

2013-07-31, 6068🔥, 0💬