Windows Phone 8 Basics - How do I sync with Xbox Music?


Windows Phone 8 Basics - How do I sync with Xbox Music?

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Xbox Music is a cloud-based music service, so you don't physically connect to a PC to sync music. If you have an Xbox Music Pass, which requires a monthly fee, then you can stream or download music on your phone. If you don't have a pass, you can still buy music from the Xbox Music Store.
If you use Windows 8 and have an Xbox Music Pass, you can manage your music in the Windows 8 Music app, and changes there will automatically sync to your phone as a cloud collection. Cloud collection songs appear on your phone in the Music + Videos Hub, but there are no actual song files on your phone. You can tell a song is in your cloud collection by the cloud streaming icon Cloud streaming icon that appears next to it.
For example, if you create a playlist using songs from the Xbox Music catalog on your Windows 8 PC, the playlist and the songs in it will then appear on your phone in the Music + Videos Hub. If you make changes to the playlist in the Windows 8 Music app, the playlist on your phone will automatically change, too. Cloud collection songs can be streamed over a cellular or Wi-Fi connection, or you can download them as files to your phone—just tap and hold a song, and then tap Download (or tap the Select Select button button to choose several songs at once).
Of course, you don't necessarily have to use the cloud collection on your phone. If you want to see only the music files that you have stored on your phone, you can go to Settings Settings icon, flick to Applications, tap Music + Videos, and then turn off Xbox Music cloud collection.

2013-12-19, 2694🔥, 0💬