What Is the IC Code on My Phone


What does IC stand for? And what does the IC # mean on my phone?

✍: FYIcenter.com


IC stands for Industry Canada, which has been renamed as Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) now. The IC # or IC ID # identifies the registration ID of the phone device at ISED.

If your phone is approved by ISED (IC) to be sold in Canada, you can find the IC # of your phone usually on the back cover.

IC # consists of 2 parts, manufacturer code and product code, as shown below:

    Manufacturer code
    |    Product Code
    |    ------------ 
    |    |
    v    v
IC: 579C-E2430A

Here are some examples of FCC ID #s:

"IC: 579C-E2430A" - 579C = Apple, E2430A = iPhone 4S, Model A1387
"IC: 579C-E3160A" - 579C = Apple, E3160A = iPhone 
"IC: 649C-SMG955U" - 649C = Samsung, SMG955U = Galaxy S8+, Model SM-G955U

For example, the following picture shows you an IC registration ID of "IC: 579C-E2430A" printed on the back cover of an Apple iPhone.

ID Label on iPhone Back Cover
ID Label on iPhone Back Cover

The following picture shows you an IC registration ID of "IC: 649C-SMG955U" printed on the back cover of a Sumsang Galaxy iPhone.

ID Label on Galaxy Back Cover
ID Label on Galaxy Back Cover

On an iPhone, you can also find the FCC ID # in "Settings > General > Legal & Regulatory" as shown below:

iPhone - Settings > General > Legal
iPhone - Settings > General > Legal

For more information, please visit https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/ised/en.

Note that we mistakenly described IC # on the back cover of cell phones as IC (Integrated Circuit, or Microchip) registration ID previously. Thanks to Gord for pointing out this mistake in the comment area.


What Is the CMIIT Code on My Phone

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2023-11-18, 38🔥, 6💬