Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone Released in 2006


When was Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone first released? What was the price tag? How does Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone look like? What are the main technical specifications of Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone?



Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone was release in 2006 with a price tag of $1.3 million dollars.

Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone was designed by Peter Aloisson. The navigation key is being made of solid 18 carat rose/yellow gold and according to the designer of the device, the button is equipped with no less than 28 round cut diamonds with an approximate weight of 1.5 carats. The diamond lines of the device have 25.5 carats princess cut diamonds on both left and right sides. Moreover, the side buttons reveal other diamonds of approximately 1.2 carats.

Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone Released in 2006

Main specifications of Ancort Diamond Crypto Smartphone:

Designer           Peter Aloisson
First released     2006
Dimensions         115 x 53 x 24 mm 
Display            2.2 in
Memory             64 MB
Battery            Li-Polymer
Connectivity       USB

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