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iPhone - Audio- How do I transfer music or playlists from my iPhone to a computer?
iPhone - Audio- How do I transfer music or playlists from my iPhone to a computer?
✍: Guest
You can now easily transfer music from an iPhone or iPod directly to any computer using Pod to PC. This freeware transfers music, videos and podcasts from your device to your computer and into iTunes.
iphone itunes pod to pc pod to mac playlist recovery
Music and playlists, along with track ratings, are recovered and Pod to PC will even tell you if there are duplicate entries already in your iTunes library. To begin, download and install Pod to PC on your computer. Mac users can download and install Pod to Mac.
First of all, connect your iPhone to the computer, and run Pod to PC. Make sure that iTunes is NOT running simultaneously with Pod to PC.
Pod to PC should now be showing playlists and device information in the Summary tab. Preferences can be changed using the Edit -> Options menu. Default settings will save iTunes playlist import files to the desktop, and music tracks to the iTunes directory on the computer.
To simply transfer all tracks not already in iTunes click the Automatic Transfer button. A dialog box will summarize how many files are going to be transferred and where the iTunes playlist import file will be saved. Click OK and Pod to PC goes to work.
The Music and Video Track Transfer tab makes it possible to manually transfer selected files. Files already in your iTunes library are indicated with a blue check. Other files show a yellow star. When the files you wish to transfer are selected click the Transfer button.
Finally, the iTunes playlist import file can be used to import the songs you've transferred into iTunes. After exiting Pod to PC and disconnecting your iPhone, run iTunes and select File -> Library -> Import Playlist. Select the playlist file generated by Pod to PC, and iTunes will create a playlist for the transferred files. Your iPhone music is now accessible on your computer using iTunes.
2015-09-21, 1683🔥, 0💬
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