Background Services Created by Google Gboard


What are background services created by Google Gboard? Can I stop them to improve performance of my Motorola phone?



Google Gboard is an app for your Motorola phone to support on-screen keyboard.

There is 1 background Service Gboard, started by Gboard app under the

1. Go to "Settings > Systems > Developer Options > Running Services". You see a list of apps, their running services, memory usages and execution times.

2. Tap on "Gboard" in the list. You see that it has 1 process, which has 1 service.

Application: Gboard
   |- Gboard

Memory usage: 115 MB, execution time 59:22:07
Background Services Created by Google Gboard
Background Services Created by Google Gboard

You should keep this service running, so that you can use the on-screen keyboard.


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Background Services on Motorola Phone

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2023-08-03, 5138🔥, 0💬