Frustrated when Forgot Security Question Answers


What is the correct process to recover when I forgot my Apple ID security question answers? I am frustrated after failed to reset my security questions.



If you forgot your answers for you Apple ID security questions, follow advices below to avoid get frustrated:

  • Don't panic. You can resolve it with Apple.
  • Don't be frustrated. Apple purposely makes it very difficult for you to recover your security question answers.
  • Don't try to login and go to your profile and change security questions. Apple will ask you to answer your security questions that you already forgot.
  • Don't try to click the "Reset Security Questions" on the "Answer your security questions" screen. Apple will ask you to answer your security questions that you already forgot.
  • Don't try to go to to reset Security Questions as suggested by the Apple support article If you forgot the answers to your Apple ID security questions. Apple will still ask you to answer your security questions that you already forgot.

You should contact Apple support to help when you forgot your Apple ID security question answers. Go to and follow instructions there.


Contact Apple Support to Reset Security Questions

Apple Article on Forgot Security Question Answers

Getting and Managing Apple ID

⇑⇑ Apple iPhone - Frequently Asked Questions

2017-08-21, 2422🔥, 0💬