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Login to with a Browser
Can I login to with browser? I am a public library and want to look up my friend phone number saved in iCloud.
Yes. You can login to with a browser on any public computers by following these steps:
1. Open a Web browser and go to You see the login page showing up.
2. Login with Apple ID and password.
3. Answer security questions or complete the Two-Factor Authentication process, depending on your Apple ID security setting.
4. Agree with the terms and conditions, if you this is your first time login.
5. Review items on your iCloud home page.
Now you can start to access phone books, notes, presentations and other document.
The picture below shows you how to login to with a Web browser:
⇒ Two-Factor Authentication to Login to
⇐ Using with Browser
2017-09-28, 3972🔥, 0💬
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