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Cache Books in iTunes Media Folder on Windows
How to cache books in iTunes media folder on Windows?
To void sync error with missing book files,
you can cache books in iTunes media folder as shown in this tutorial.
1. Run iTunes and connect your iPhone to the computer with a USB cable. You see a phone icon showing up.
2. Click on the phone icon. You see the phone device management windows.
3. Click "Edit > Preferences" menu. You see the preference settings screen.
4. Click "Advanced". You see the iTunes Media folder location: "C:\Users\fyicenter\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media".
5. Click "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library" to turn it on.
6. Click "OK" to save changes.
From now on, you should have no sync errors, because copies of all books added to iTunes are also saved in iTunes Media folder.
The picture below shows you how to cache books in iTunes media folder:
⇒ Apple Music and iTunes Frequently Asked Questions
⇐ iTunes Sync Error on Windows: Book not Found
2021-01-09, 1145🔥, 0💬
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