Background Services Created by Motoroal Games


What are background services created by Motorola Games? Can I stop them to improve performance of my Motorola phone?



Motorola Games is an app for your Motorola phone to support MFL activities.

There is 1 background Service MFLActivityDetectionService started by Motorola Games app under the com.motorola.gamemode process.

1. Go to "Settings > Systems > Developer Options > Running Services". You see a list of apps, their running services, memory usages and execution times.

2. Tap on "Games" in the list. You see that it has 1 process, which has 1 service.

Application: Games
|- com.motorola.gamemode
   |- Service: MFLActivityDetectionService
Memory usage: 24 MB, execution time 124:32:10
Background Services Created by Motorola Games
Background Services Created by Motorola Games

You can stop the "MFLActivityDetectionService" service, if you are not playing any games.


Background Services Created by Motoroal Moto

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Background Services on Motorola Phone

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2023-08-03, 4845🔥, 0💬