What Is Background Service on Motorola Phone


What Is Background Service on Motorola Phone?

✍: FYIcenter.com


A background service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background. A background service does not provide a user interface.

A background service can be started by a sysstem application or a user application. Once started, a service might continue running for some time, even after the user closes the application or switches to another application.

A background service is managed by a process, which is an independent execution unit on the operating system. And a process can manage one or more background services.

A process is managed by an application. And an application can manage one or more processes.

For example, Bluetooth is system application, which manages 1 process, which manages 5 services as shown below:

Application: Bluetooth
|- Process: com.android.bluetooth 
   |- Service: HidDeviceService 
   |- Service: SapService
   |- Service: BluetoothPbapService 
   |- Service: GattService 
   |- Service: A2dpService


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Background Services on Motorola Phone

Background Services on Motorola Phone

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2023-07-08, 4422🔥, 0💬