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Check App Update on LG Phone
How to check for updates of an app on my LG Phone? I am to make sure I am running the latest version of the app.
You can follow this tutorial to check for updates of an app on your LG Phone.
1. Go to "Play Store". You see the "Google Play" screen.
2. Enter "calculator" to search for the app. You see a number of apps showing up. One of them is "Calculator - Google LLC", which is the one installed on your phone.
3. Tap on "Calculator - Google LLC". You see "Calculator - Google LLC" app detail screen.
4. If you see the "UPDATE" button, then the version on your Phone is outdated.
5. Tap on "UPDATE". You see the update progress status.
6. When update is completed, the latest version is on your phone.
The following picture shows you how to
check for updates of an app on your LG Phone:
⇒ Force Stop Running App on LG Phone
2018-02-01, 2136🔥, 0💬
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